Importance Of Yoga In Our Daily Life

Importance Of Yoga In Our Daily Life

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To maintain a balance between oneself and environment is necessary for every human. Despite nowadays greater emotional as well as physical needs are given more priority. This is a reason why people suffer more stress, anxiety and also insomnia which is mainly due to improper lifestyle and physical exercise. Therefore, we need methods and techniques for the attainment of health and harmony; in this respect, yoga acts as an aid to one’s health.

The word ‘yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit and means ‘to join’ / to unite’. Yoga exercises have a physical effect and bring a balance between body, soul and mind. Yoga helps us to deal with our problems, worries and everyday demands. It also influences us to understand ourselves, the purpose of life and develops our relationship with God. Yoga leads a spiritual path to knowledge and eternal bliss in the union of eternal self with universal self. Yoga is that supreme and infinite principle. Yoga is that ray of life that is universal cognizant that is awake.

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The system ‘Yoga in daily life’ in taught in yoga center’s worldwide such as rehabilitation center’s, fitness and sports life, health institutions, adult education center’s etc. Yoga is suitable for people of all ages and requires no ‘stunt’ skills and provides physically retarded, unfit, ill the power of practicing yoga. Yoga should be included in our daily life. Positive thinking, perseverance, discipline and orientation, prayer as well as humble and kindness leads the path to self-knowledge and self-realization.

The main aims of yoga in our daily life:

  • Develops our Physical health
  • Develops our mental health
  • Develops our social health
  • Develops our spiritual health
  • helps in our self-realization

The above-mentioned mentioned goals are to be attained by:

  • Showing love and kindness towards others
  • Respect is shown towards life and nature
  • Finding a peaceful state of mind
  • Maintaining a vegetarian diet
  • Healthy lifestyle and positive vibes play an important role
  • Behaviour towards culture, nations and religion
  • Develops our physical health

The basic importance of life is the health of our body. It is commonly said that ‘Health isn’t everything, but without health everything is nothing’. In order to persevere in good health, there are physical exercises, relaxation, breathing exercises etc.

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With the system “Yoga in Daily Life,” the Asanas and Pranayama’s are equally divided into an eight-level system, that usually begins with “Sarva Hita Asanas”. There are other nearly seven parts that follow this first level and progress through the practice of Asanas and Pranayama’s. Some programs have been set up from the basic exercises such as: “Yoga for Back Pain”, “Yoga for Joints”, “Yoga for Seniors”, “Yoga for Managers” and “Yoga for Children”. In order to maintain good health, other exercises within the system “Yoga in Daily Life” are the techniques for purification of Hatha Yoga. These also involve Deep Relaxation, Concentration Exercises as well as Mudras and Bandhas (special Yoga techniques).

Despite all of this, the food we eat is also responsible for our good health. The food we consume has influences both on our body as well as our psyche – our habits and qualities. In brief, the food we eat has an effect on our whole being. Food is the main source of our physical energy and exuberance. A well-balanced diet includes grains, vegetables, pulses, fruit, nuts, milk and milk products, as well as honey, sprouts, salads, seeds, herbs and spices – either raw or freshly cooked. Foods that are to be avoided are old, reheated or denatured foods, meat and eggs. It is also best to avoid alcohol, nicotine and drugs as these destroy our health.

Develops our mental health:

Yoga helps in increasing our body awareness, helps in relieving stress, helps in reducing muscle tension, strain as well as inflammation, helps in building attention and concentration, calms our nervous system. Such important benefits of yoga in our mental health have made it a more important tool to be practiced every day.

Develops our social health:

Social health is the capacity to be happy within oneself and to be able to make others happy. It means to care as well as communicate with other people in the society, to speculate responsibilities within a society and also to work for the community. Social health is also the ability to relax and experience life in all its beauty.

A major problem found commonly is drug addiction which is a clear sign of social illness. The system of “Yoga in Daily Life” can help in overcoming this illness and gives people a new, positive aim and purpose in life. Keeping good company has a great influence on our psyche, as such companionship help us to form our personality and character. A positive company is of great importance in the spiritual development of an individual.

Living under the system of “Yoga in Daily Life” means to work for ourselves and for the benefit of others. To do precious and constructive work for our community, to preserve nature and the environment and work for maintaining peace in the world. To practice, Yoga means to be active in the most positive vibe and to work for the welfare of all of mankind.

Develops our spiritual health:

The main principle of leading a good spiritual life and the highest etiquette of mankind is:

AHIMSA – PARAMO DHARMA(derived from the teachings of Gautam Buddha)

Non-injury is the supreme principle:

This canon grabs the principle of non-violence, in thought, word, feeling and action. Prayer, meditation, Mantra, positive thinking and tolerance, leads us to a good spiritual health.

Humans are supposed to be protectors and not destroyers. The characteristics that really make us human are the ability to give, understand and forgive. To protect life and respect the individuality and independence of all forms of life is the foremost practice of the Yoga teachings.

A basic principle of “Yoga in Daily Life” is religious freedom. Yoga is not supposed to be thought a religion – it is the source of spirituality and wisdom, the root of all religions. Yoga outstrips religious boundaries and reveals the way to unity.

“Yoga in Daily Life” offers the spiritual applicant guidance on life’s path through the practices of Mantra Yoga and Kriya Yoga. Being the most highly developed beings on earth, humans are capable of realizing their real nature and inner Self, God.  God-Realization is the spiritual goal, the union of the individual soul with God. The realization that we are all one in our common root and connection to God is the first step.

Decisions regarding your health and wellbeing and a free, happy life, are in your hands. Practice yoga regularly as it is easy to do and also helps in getting rid of certain serious health issues that are commonly found nowadays in our daily lifestyle, with firm determination and success will be certain.

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Book Yoga Class 2024-2025

To maintain a balance between oneself and environment is necessary for every human. Despite nowadays greater emotional as well as physical needs are given more priority. This is a reason why people suffer more stress, anxiety and also insomnia which is mainly due to improper lifestyle and physical exercise. Therefore, we need methods and techniques for the attainment of health and harmony; in this respect, yoga acts as an aid to one’s health.

The word ‘yoga’ is derived from Sanskrit and means ‘to join’ / to unite’. Yoga exercises have a physical effect and bring a balance between body, soul and mind. Yoga helps us to deal with our problems, worries and everyday demands. It also influences us to understand ourselves, the purpose of life and develops our relationship with God. Yoga leads a spiritual path to knowledge and eternal bliss in the union of eternal self with universal self. Yoga is that supreme and infinite principle. Yoga is that ray of life that is universal cognizant that is awake.

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Apply for Yoga Course

The system ‘Yoga in daily life’ in taught in yoga center’s worldwide such as rehabilitation center’s, fitness and sports life, health institutions, adult education center’s etc. Yoga is suitable for people of all ages and requires no ‘stunt’ skills and provides physically retarded, unfit, ill the power of practicing yoga. Yoga should be included in our daily life. Positive thinking, perseverance, discipline and orientation, prayer as well as humble and kindness leads the path to self-knowledge and self-realization.

The main aims of yoga in our daily life:

  • Develops our Physical health
  • Develops our mental health
  • Develops our social health
  • Develops our spiritual health
  • helps in our self-realization

The above-mentioned mentioned goals are to be attained by:

  • Showing love and kindness towards others
  • Respect is shown towards life and nature
  • Finding a peaceful state of mind
  • Maintaining a vegetarian diet
  • Healthy lifestyle and positive vibes play an important role
  • Behaviour towards culture, nations and religion
  • Develops our physical health

The basic importance of life is the health of our body. It is commonly said that ‘Health isn’t everything, but without health everything is nothing’. In order to persevere in good health, there are physical exercises, relaxation, breathing exercises etc.

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With the system “Yoga in Daily Life,” the Asanas and Pranayama’s are equally divided into an eight-level system, that usually begins with “Sarva Hita Asanas”. There are other nearly seven parts that follow this first level and progress through the practice of Asanas and Pranayama’s. Some programs have been set up from the basic exercises such as: “Yoga for Back Pain”, “Yoga for Joints”, “Yoga for Seniors”, “Yoga for Managers” and “Yoga for Children”. In order to maintain good health, other exercises within the system “Yoga in Daily Life” are the techniques for purification of Hatha Yoga. These also involve Deep Relaxation, Concentration Exercises as well as Mudras and Bandhas (special Yoga techniques).

Despite all of this, the food we eat is also responsible for our good health. The food we consume has influences both on our body as well as our psyche – our habits and qualities. In brief, the food we eat has an effect on our whole being. Food is the main source of our physical energy and exuberance. A well-balanced diet includes grains, vegetables, pulses, fruit, nuts, milk and milk products, as well as honey, sprouts, salads, seeds, herbs and spices – either raw or freshly cooked. Foods that are to be avoided are old, reheated or denatured foods, meat and eggs. It is also best to avoid alcohol, nicotine and drugs as these destroy our health.

Develops our mental health:

Yoga helps in increasing our body awareness, helps in relieving stress, helps in reducing muscle tension, strain as well as inflammation, helps in building attention and concentration, calms our nervous system. Such important benefits of yoga in our mental health have made it a more important tool to be practiced every day.

Develops our social health:

Social health is the capacity to be happy within oneself and to be able to make others happy. It means to care as well as communicate with other people in the society, to speculate responsibilities within a society and also to work for the community. Social health is also the ability to relax and experience life in all its beauty.

A major problem found commonly is drug addiction which is a clear sign of social illness. The system of “Yoga in Daily Life” can help in overcoming this illness and gives people a new, positive aim and purpose in life. Keeping good company has a great influence on our psyche, as such companionship help us to form our personality and character. A positive company is of great importance in the spiritual development of an individual.

Living under the system of “Yoga in Daily Life” means to work for ourselves and for the benefit of others. To do precious and constructive work for our community, to preserve nature and the environment and work for maintaining peace in the world. To practice, Yoga means to be active in the most positive vibe and to work for the welfare of all of mankind.

Develops our spiritual health:

The main principle of leading a good spiritual life and the highest etiquette of mankind is:

AHIMSA – PARAMO DHARMA(derived from the teachings of Gautam Buddha)

Non-injury is the supreme principle:

This canon grabs the principle of non-violence, in thought, word, feeling and action. Prayer, meditation, Mantra, positive thinking and tolerance, leads us to a good spiritual health.

Humans are supposed to be protectors and not destroyers. The characteristics that really make us human are the ability to give, understand and forgive. To protect life and respect the individuality and independence of all forms of life is the foremost practice of the Yoga teachings.

A basic principle of “Yoga in Daily Life” is religious freedom. Yoga is not supposed to be thought a religion – it is the source of spirituality and wisdom, the root of all religions. Yoga outstrips religious boundaries and reveals the way to unity.

“Yoga in Daily Life” offers the spiritual applicant guidance on life’s path through the practices of Mantra Yoga and Kriya Yoga. Being the most highly developed beings on earth, humans are capable of realizing their real nature and inner Self, God.  God-Realization is the spiritual goal, the union of the individual soul with God. The realization that we are all one in our common root and connection to God is the first step.

Decisions regarding your health and wellbeing and a free, happy life, are in your hands. Practice yoga regularly as it is easy to do and also helps in getting rid of certain serious health issues that are commonly found nowadays in our daily lifestyle, with firm determination and success will be certain.