Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Foundation Course to become an internationally Certified Yoga Teacher

Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga TTC

best yoga teacher training course in rishikesh

Course Information

Welcome to Oceanic Yoga School’s Advanced 300-Hour Yoga Training Program.

Oceanic Yoga International is an RYS 300 registered with Yoga Alliance USA. This program 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa is designed for individuals who have already completed a 200-hour yoga teacher course in India from any Yoga Alliance USA Registered Yoga school or already have been practicing yoga at least for 2 years and are eager to deepen their knowledge and expand their teaching skills. This is an advanced yoga TTC in Goa .In this comprehensive training, we delve into advanced asanas, pranayama, meditation, bandhas, mudras, and yoga kriyas, offering you a profound understanding of these advanced yoga techniques.

Oceanic has come up with hybrid model for people who have time restriction to attend the whole 29 days program onsite with us in Goa. So one can come to our Goa location for a minimum of 14 nights (15 days) and  attend the course with  us. Remaining portion they can attend via online pre recorded videos and pre schedule live sessions. One can choose to stay longer and continue the course with  additional charges. 


A High-Level Yoga Training Program

  1. Advanced Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Bandhas, Mudras, and Yoga Kriyas
  2. how to impart advanced yoga techniques
  3. Advanced yoga philosophy, meditation, and yogic lifestyle topics are covered in depth
  4. extensive research on the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how to apply that knowledge to our yoga practice
  5. You would receive detailed instruction on the anatomy of yoga, energy, and tantra
  6. Study of the original yoga texts Lankavatar Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  7. Learn how to practice yoga both on and off a mat
  8. Practice teaching under the guidance of our expert trainers is known as a practicum

For individuals, who have already successfully finished a 200-hour Yoga TTC in India from any Yoga Alliance USA Registered Yoga School, Oceanic Yoga School’s Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Program is offered in Goa, India (RYS 200).

The 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa is an advanced yoga training program that aims to enhance and expand upon the trainee’s knowledge of the essential principles of yoga teaching and practice that are typically covered in the 200-hour program. Our 300 hour yoga TTC  equips its graduates with the knowledge and abilities to instruct students in more sophisticated, intricate, and/or delicate yoga principles and practices than would reasonably be expected of an RYT.


We are accredited with the highest-ranking yoga organizations in the world, Yoga Alliance USA. Our school (RYS 200, RYS 300) upholds and upholds high standards of yoga and guidance of Yoga Alliance. We assure the best yogic environment and teaching quality. The curriculum has been developed with the aim of building advanced, crystalized practitioners with authentic knowledge, right experience of teaching skills and moral values.  This is one of the most sought course certified by Oceanic Yoga International and Yoga Alliance. It is absolutely  guaranteed that if any one goes through this course with Oceanic Yoga International will have all the necessary skills, confidence and composure to lead the classes.

300 hour yoga training

Oceanic Yoga School in India

Affiliated by the Yoga Alliance, USA

The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Ashram is simply breath-taking. Our ashram is  just ten minutes away from Morjim beach and is located on a hillock overlooking Arabian Sea. It is also home to a variety of birds. You will have a wonderful swimming pool from where you can watch the sun setting in the Ocean and it is one of the most beautiful view point for sunset in the entire Goa. The location is blessed with lush green nature where you can find lots of fruit bearing trees like mangos, guava, chikkus (Sapodilla Plums), coconuts, mangosteen, cashew nuts ,date palms,banyan trees, bananas and many more.

Some of our students describe the place as ” The Himalayas of Goa” as it holds the silence and serenity of the Himalayas  and it is secluded but safe, just 10 minutes away from the beach.

Oceanic Yoga School is rated as one of the best places for Yoga Teachers Training and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you will get all the support systems, techniques, knowledge, and guidance that you may need to become a confident and knowledgeable Yoga Teacher. The cottages are simply marvelous and are airconditioned. It has a balcony and many of our cottages provides view of Arabian Sea.

The food is vegetarian or vegan on demand. Ashram offers wellness activities and Ayurvedic treatments, Hydro therapy and rejuvenation therapies. This is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India.

Inner Transformation

Are you looking for a profound and deeper transformation with in you? Want to take yoga beyond the mat? A life style change? Meeting the higher self within? If these thoughts are crossing in you then you are in the right place.

Authentic Knowledge

Do you want to learn yoga from authentic source? We are a group of committed and sincere people with more than 16 years of experience behind what we are offering

Teach With Confidence

Do you want to become a teacher who have the right teaching methodologies, skills, and knowledge to teach?

Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga TTC in Goa : Course Curriculum

Practices, Techniques, and Training

  • Instructional specifics for advanced yoga positions
  • detail on the twelve fundamental postures
  • practise of advanced classical variations
  • precise adjustments
  • greater comprehension of Hatha yoga
  • extended classical sun salutation practise
  • Core Clarification
  • Superior Standing Pose
  • Higher-level backbends
  • complex forward bends
  • Positions for advanced arm balancing
  • Superior Twist Positions
  • Advancing Inversion Pose
  • poses that open the hips
  • sophisticated class sequencing and planning
  • study of pranayama in depth
  • prolonged use of AnulomaViloma
  • In-depth Meditation
  • Maha bandha: Advanced Bandha (Great Muscular Lock)
  • Advanced Mudras (Gestures)

Teaching Techniques

  • Yoga Teacher’s Personality
  • Displaying & Cueing
  • How to plan retreats and workshops
  • A course on advanced meditation

Yoga ethics and philosophy of living

  • Studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Bhagwad Gita study
  • Study of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika’s Morals and Lifestyle (as mentioned in Diamond Sutra)
  • Study of the Eightfold Yoga of the Buddha
  • Examining the Lankavatar Sutra

Physiology and Anatomy

  • Yoga anatomy
  • Energy anatomy
  • Tantra anatomy
  • Physical anatomy

The 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training India, offers a practical and realist understanding of teaching yoga. You will learn about the fundamentals of the practice, as well as methods to share it with others around the world. It offers a hands-on training program that includes all the essential elements of Yoga.

What You Will Learn

  • 90 classical hatha yoga asanas
  • 72 Primary series asanas of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Introduction to Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Vinyasa
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Proper alignments of all yoga asanas given
  • Yoga asana variations for intermediate & advanced levels
  • Modifications and corrections as per individuals
  • How and when to modify asanas?
  • Deep relaxation / Yoga Nidra
  • Advanced Pranayamas
  • Bandhas and Advanced Purification Kriyas
  • Various Meditations
  • The four paths of yoga
  • 10 main body systems
  • Spine and its common disorders
  • Difference between yoga and other physical exercises
  • Injury prevention and cures
  • Alignments, adjustments & modifications through the understanding of Anatomy
  • Diet and Lifestyle as per Yoga
    • → What is Ayurveda?
    • → Yogic diet
    • → Effect of diet, nutrition, and lifestyle on body and mind
    • → Body types and suitable diets
    • → Diet according to Bhagwad Geeta & Ayurveda
  • Aim and meaning of yoga
  • Five principles of yogic practice
  • Four paths of yoga
  • Eight limbs of Raja Yoga
  • Seven stages of awareness
  • Three gunas – sattva, rajas, tamas
  • Maya, prakriti, brahman, avidya
  • Atman, parmataman, jiva
  • Three bodies; physical, astral, spiritual
  • Four inner instruments; mind, intellect, subconscious, ego
  • Working of the mind
  • Five major and five minor pranas
  • Chakras and their relation to systems
  • History, Origin of Hatha Yoga & other forms of Yoga
  • Evolution of Hatha yoga tradition.
  • How Spiritual systems evolved through time
  • Psychological understanding of Bhagwad Geeta
  • Understanding yoga through Upanishads
  • Psychology of a teacher
  • Psychology of a student
  • Correction and guidance techniques
  • Communication techniques
  • How to create a proper class environment?
  • How to manage class and students
  • Learning to manage difficulties as a yoga teacher
  • Important pointers on teaching a yoga class
  • The basic structure of a yoga class
  • The basic structure of the beginner’s course
  • Ethical Guidelines
    • → Ethical guidelines for a yoga teacher
  • Running Your Own Yoga School
    • → How to set up your yoga business or yoga studio?
  • How to develop & improve your teaching style
  • How to become an effective & professional teacher
  • Specific Teaching Methodologies to master the Art of teaching
  • Practical classes with more refined hands-on corrections to improve teaching
  • Chance to lead the whole class as a teacher.
  • Mud Detox Therapy.
  • Healing diet for the body-mind.
  • Special breathwork & healing sessions for Emotional release.
  • Meditation techniques focused for emotional healing.
  • Purifying 5 basic elements of life through nature.
  • Advanced Mantra Chanting for emotional channelizing.
  • Inner healing through understanding of scriptures.
  • Learning to deal various dimensions of life through scriptures.
  • Gaining health through understanding required dietary changes.
  • Different Meditations devised by Osho
  • Meditations from the tradition Budha
  • Cyclic Meditation, Yog Nidra
  • Mediation inspired by George Gurdjieff
  • Mantra Chanting and breathing meditations.

    Note: – Choice of meditations vary based on group energy.

Get Deeper Understanding

This 300 hour yoga Teacher Training course in India will provide you with a deeper understanding of the following subjects and skills:

yoga teacher certification

Yoga Philosophy

Understanding the ancient philosophy of Yoga, concepts like prana, chakras, mind, karma, etc in an analytical and non-sectarian way.

Who Can Benefit from Yoga Teacher Training in India?

Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga

Gain a deep understanding of the alignments, instructions, benefits, contraindications, physiology of Hatha Yoga poses.

Everything You Need to Know About Yoga Teacher Training in India

Anatomy and Energy Anatomy

You’ll be learning how yoga poses affect our physical and astral bodies, can help improve our health, flexibility, and overall function of our organs. Understanding the advanced principles of human anatomy and physiology, enabling you to avoid injuries in your practice.

How to Make the Most of Yoga Teacher Training in India

Teaching Methodologies

You will learn expert teaching techniques, the art of instruction, correction, and modification that develop the skills and confidence to teach others. You will understand how and when to assist a student & principles of sequencing.

Hatha Yoga

You’ll be learning the ancient practices of Yogis consisting classical asanas (physical poses) along with

• Pranayamas (breathing practices)
• Mudras – Hand gestures to channelize the energy
• Bandhas – Physical locks to direct the energy
• Shatkriyas - Purification techniques to remove toxins and emotional release
• Mantra chanting
• Meditations

Ashtanga Yoga

You will learn about the primary series postures of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, including the Sun Salutation A and B, and the principles and theory behind the Ashtanga Vinyasa sequence. You will also learn about proper alignment, breathing, corrections, modifications of the postures.

Yoga Anatomy And Physiology

To enhance the understanding of the human body and the functional movements of yoga asanas. You will study yoga anatomy and physiology of fundamental systems of the human body including Skeletal system, Muscular system, Joints & Movements, Circulatory system, Digestive system, Respiratory system, etc.

Teaching Methodology

It includes daily subject-specific asana sessions and methodology sessions and is designed to help you develop your practice. The Yoga Alliance endorses this training program. The teaching methodology used in this teacher training course is based on a wide range of sources, including The Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, Hatha Illustrated by Martin Kirk, and Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar. As a graduate, you will be qualified to teach Yoga anywhere in the world.

Yoga Philosophy

In addition, you will learn about the Yoga philosophy through the Yoga Sutras outlined by Patanjali that comprises postures, concentration, meditation, and ethical & moral guidance, eight limbs (ashtanga) to enlightenment. Through this understanding, you will become more aware of your inner self. This will lead to a greater sense of inner peace and well-being. Yoga philosophy is an excellent choice for those who want to deepen their yoga practice.

Naturopathy and Yoga Detox

The Naturopathy and Yoga Detox bring science, tradition, and spirituality together. The emphasis is on healing the body, mind, and soul. It incorporates the five elements of nature, which have been used to treat various ailments throughout the ages. Students are taught techniques for utilizing these elements in their daily lives and will have to follow strict instructions. Participants will also experience an emotional detox program. It stimulates the body’s natural self-healing system and helps you achieve optimum health. It enables you to improve your overall well-being and helps you maintain a positive outlook on life. It can help you overcome problems like weight and fatigue and boost your energy and vitality.

Releasing Emotional Blocks

Emotional blockages can be harmful to your body and mind. They lead to physical aches and pains, mental disorders, and even depression. However, the proper treatment can help you overcome these blockages. This program focuses on releasing emotional blocks with the help of Yoga poses, meditations & other detox methods. In addition to removing physical blockages, it can also improve your overall health.

Ready for the Plunge?

Our 300-hour Yoga teacher training in India is designed to give you valuable techniques, methodologies, and knowledge to develop and flourish in your yoga journey. Your confidence level will improve as you gain the right expertise to teach and inspire others. With these authentic, committed, and sincere transmission, you will adapt yourself to any given situations in life in class and outside by remaining grounded and connected with your higher self. Physical, mental and emotional well being is a natural outcome of your committed practice when you participate in our programs as it is designed to evolve human consciousness and health with mystical wisdom behind.

Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Upcoming Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (2023-2024)

Start DateEnd DateRoom Per 2 SharePrivate Room
TBDTBD€ 1,450€ 1,850Apply Now
TBDTBD€ 1,450€ 1,850Apply Now

Daily Schedule

6:00-8:15 AM

Asana, Kriya/Mantra Chanting/Pranayama/ Naturopathy

8:30-09:00 AM


10:00-11:00 AM


11:15-12:15 PM

Adjustment & Alignment

12:30-1:30 PM

Lunch Break

03:00-04:00 PM

Yoga Philosophy/ Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

04:15-05:30 PM

Ashtanga/Vinyasa/Teaching Asanas

05:30-06:00 PM

Tea Break

06:30-07:30 PM

Meditation/Yoga Nidra/Emotional Detox

07:30-08:15 PM


NOTE: The schedule mentioned above is a sample and can change on a batch-to-batch basis.

Sundays will be holidays and only breakfast will be served.
Please carry your toiletries , sun glasses, hat and personal necessities .Nice to have a pair of white cloths for  ceremonies.
Any transaction charges and bank charges for payments will be charged additionally.
Card swipe machine is available in the campus.
*For male participants we offer ONLY single room accommodation option

Application: Complete the online application form using Apply Now option. If you don’t hear back from us within 24 hours, please send us an email at contact@oceanicyoga.com. Please always check your spam if you don’t see our response within 24 hours. You can also contact us at our Whatsapp number +91-9368469447for status of your application. 

Booking amount: Once accepted in the course you will be asked to pay a non-refundable but transferrable booking fee of €400. Your place on the course will be confirmed only upon receipt of the deposit amount. This fee will be adjusted in your total course fee.

Remaining Balance: On or before arrival at our ashram campus , Goa by cash, debit, credit card or online transfer.

All Package includes

  1. Pick up from Goa Dabolim Airport or Mopa (North Goa airport)
  2. 14-night, 15 days  accommodation
  3. 3 Vegetarian meals a day
  4. Study materials will be provided at the beginning of the course
  5. Yoga Teacher Training Manual
  6. Yoga mat and props for use will be provided
  7. Yoga Teacher Training Advanced Yoga Training Course completion certificate
  8. Access to Swimming Pool and Free Wifi

Our Yoga Ashram

yoga teacher training course

Oceanic Yoga Ashram India Goa

A registered Yoga school (RYS) in India is an opportunity to learn about the ancient practice of Yoga and its many benefits. One of the most beautiful places to train to be a Yoga teacher in India is Goa. The state is famous for its bohemian vibe, reflected in the Oceanic Yoga Center, where a 200-hour Yoga TTC can be completed. Expert gurus guide students on their way through the instructive path. Most programs are conducted at our ashram which is surrounded by fascinating landscapes and natural beauty. It is an ideal location away from the city and stressful modern life.

The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Center is simply breathtaking.

The training for yoga teacher Goa is located in a beautiful location, just ten minutes away from Morjim beach.

It is also home to a variety of birds. So the best yoga teacher training India is the perfect place for you to practice Yoga and live a healthy lifestyle.

Oceanic Yoga Center is rated as one of the best places for Yoga Teachers Training and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you get all the amenities you need to train to become a Yoga teacher. With eco-friendly rooms and healthy vegetarian food, this is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India. The food is vegetarian or vegan (on demand).


See the beautiful memories of our past yoga teacher training courses at our Yoga Ashram in India. Click on the button to view our photo gallery and get an idea of what this transformational experience holds in store for you.

Worldwide Accredited Certification

With our certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga worldwide. We are accredited with Yoga Alliance USA and this certificate will enable you to register yourself with Yoga Alliance USA. You can start teaching yoga globally once you complete your 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training. 

yoga teacher training course

How to Register as 300 Hour RYT?

Become a RYT - 300 in 15 Days!

With our certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga worldwide. You can become a member with yoga alliance by registering yourself in their website. The registration process is self explanatory and we will guide you through the process.
yoga teacher training in rishikesh

Our Assurance

For over 16 years, our yoga teacher training in India has stood the test of time, gaining recognition and trust from countless students. We take pride in assuring you that this course will equip you with accurate and comprehensive knowledge of yoga, delve into the profound teachings of yogic philosophy, enhance your teaching skills, and provide ample practical training to empower you with the confidence to guide others on their yoga journey effortlessly.

RYT 300

As a graduate of Oceanic Yoga, we are delighted to offer you a special privilege. You will receive a complimentary lifetime membership as an RYT 300 (registered yoga teacher) with the esteemed International Yoga Association. This membership not only recognizes your accomplishments but also opens up opportunities for growth and connection within the global yoga community. Additionally, you have the option to register as an RYT 300 (registered yoga teacher at the 300 hour level) with Yoga Alliance, further enhancing your professional standing in the yoga field.

Hybrid - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Package

Twin Shared

with AC

€ 1,450

Private Room

with AC
