Somatic Yoga, Emotional Release Retreat Goa with Sound Healing
- Chakra Healing , Breath Work, Sound Healing and Chakra Healing Yoga.
- A safe and environment to revisit your inner self and embark your healing Journey.
- Learn various techniques and meditations to find your frozen or blocked emotions and free them up.
- Practice in our dedicated center for Yoga and Meditation with an atmosphere between the nature and serenity of the hills overlooking ocean
- 700 Meters from the beach.
Chakra Healing and Kundalini Activation

Theme of The Program
Mindfulness and emotional balance is a tightrope walk and once we master the nature of emotions and the impact of emotions in our daily life, we can say to some extend that we are emotionally balanced. The Holistic healing methods using somatic yoga and somatic movements, along with methods to release emotions caught up in the body is needed to bring holistic health to an individual.
This somatic healing yoga and emotional release uses various techniques breathing, body movements, expressive arts, psychotherapeutic techniques and meditations. This course for emotional wellness in our Emotional healing program in Goa is very meticulously structured with very deep understanding of the functioning of the mind and mind patterns by people with mystical back grounds and past life preparations to hand hold souls getting connected with oceanic yoga for their healing journey.
Healing Solar Plexus Chakra. Read More….
In this course you will go through multiple techniques which are designed for healing your emotions
Healing Methods using singing bowls, Specific Yoga Sequence for Chakra healing, Conscious breath work for releasing the emotions, Special meditations with breath, sound and movements.
All emotions are energies, and if energies not used in creative way it disturbs some part of the body and mind. Energies have to be used and if energies are not used, they will create blockages in you. These blocks will turn in to diseases of mind and diseases of body. Body and mind must be used like “body-mind”
An anger inside me not expressed become blockage, love inside you when not expressed will create blockages in you . Similarly, the case with fear. If there is fear inside you and if not able to show and accept it, it can become a blockage.
All emotional states create energies and these energies need to be released.
The work here is to how can we do that in a non-disturbing way to the people around, not creating negativity around our life situations and people around us.
Energies can be release in two ways.
1. Via Negative ways
2. Via Creative ways
For example, someone is angry, so the negative way for this person would be to go and throw some stones at someone else, beat someone up with a stick or verbally attack him. This way is negative, because his energy is used up but he does not benefit from it. The only fruits he will harvest will be when the person he has attacked verbally retaliates with double the force. The person at whom he threw stones will also get angry. He is just like the first person: he will also use a negative mode to express his anger. He will also pick up a stick. And this becomes an endless loop.
Most of us are caught up in this endless Loop.
“We are all ruined children – the only difference is that we are adults. Otherwise we are all ruined children: right from our childhood everything has gone wrong and then all our lives we go on doing these wrong things.”
The work we do here is “How to come out of this Loop? How not to repeat the same negative ways?“
Anger will stop only if you use it in a positive way, in a creative way
“A person who hates will receive hate in return. A person who shows anger receives anger. A person who has evil thoughts will receive the same in return.” There is no end to it, and in the end energy will only be wasted.
A block in the energy reflects an inner complexity – something happens inside but you show something else outside. Then where will the energy which is not released go? It will become an energy-block.
It is just like in a river when part of the water starts to freeze and pieces of ice float in the river. As the pieces become bigger and bigger, the flow of the river is obstructed more and more. If all the water freezes the river will stop flowing altogether. So you are like a river which has blocks of ice floating in it. It is necessary to melt this ice.
It is been proven that meditation is the best way to heal yourself and others. It will very big positive impact for people who are suffering from Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Psychosomatic Disorders, Insomnia. It also enhances Endocrine System and Hormonal Status, Cognition and Brain Functioning.
The course consists of guided energy meditations, practice, lectures, explanations, discussions and Q&A Sessions. This retreat can help to retain the meditative stage throughout your daily life and keep you sharp, balanced, joyful and serene plus continue to enhance and grow your being. Emotional resilience workshops in our Goa wellness teacher training are based on Integrative healing practices with heart centered healings and trainings. This

Oceanic Yoga School in India
Affiliated by the Yoga Alliance, USA
The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Ashram is simply breath-taking. Our ashram is just ten minutes away from Morjim beach and is located on a hillock overlooking Arabian Sea. It is also home to a variety of birds. You will have a wonderful swimming pool from where you can watch the sun setting in the Ocean and it is one of the most beautiful view point for sunset in the entire Goa. The location is blessed with lush green nature where you can find lots of fruit bearing trees like mangos, guava, chikkus (Sapodilla Plums), coconuts, mangosteen, cashew nuts ,date palms,banyan trees, bananas and many more.
Some of our students describe the place as ” The Himalayas of Goa” as it holds the silence and serenity of the Himalayas and it is secluded but safe, just 10 minutes away from the beach.
Oceanic Yoga School is rated as one of the best places for SOMATIC HEALING THERAPY and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you will get all the support systems, techniques, knowledge, and guidance that you may need to become a confident and knowledgeable Yoga Teacher. The cottages are simply marvelous and are airconditioned. It has a balcony and many of our cottages provides view of Arabian Sea.
The food is vegetarian or vegan on demand. Ashram offers wellness activities and Ayurvedic treatments, Hydro therapy and rejuvenation therapies. This is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India.
Inner Transformation
Are you looking for a profound and deeper transformation with in you? Want to take yoga beyond the mat? A life style change? Meeting the higher self within? If these thoughts are crossing in you then you are in the right place.
Authentic Knowledge
Do you want to learn SOMATIC HEALING from authentic source? We are a group of committed and sincere people with more than 16 years of experience behind what we are offering
Somatic Yoga and Emotional Wellness Retreat Goa: Overview
“To learn Meditation, you don’t need to be anything else other then what you already are”
- You will learn Somatic Yoga and Somatic Movements along with meditations to help you find out the blockages of emotions inside you and release in a safe way.
- Along with mediations you will also practice Yoga Nidra (Dhyan Nidra)
- Healing journey of your inner child, Family Constellation, breath works and Sound healing sessions
- You will be given lectures on understanding the concept of each meditation and have guided sessions of each form.
- You will be taught Somatic Yoga, Somatic Movements and secret Mantras oriented for healing and other Kriyas to cleanse your Body-Mind system
- You will receive one special massage which is designed to support your emotional blockage release.
- Somatic Yoga and somatic movements are unique to program.
Some Meditations you may practice during the Stay
“To learn Meditation, you don’t need to be anything else other then what you already are”
Some of the Meditations that you will learn as a personal enhancement and be able to teach them. Different Techniques may also be added
- Breath Works : Breathing patterns to release stored emotions.
- Dhyan Nidra – Yog(a) Nidra. A powerful method of guiding others to the very inner core of the being, settling there, relaxing and settling into deep conscious healing sleep. Yoga nidra’, variously meaning ‘yogic sleep’, ‘psychic sleep’, or ‘sleeping consciously’, is a meditative procedure whose goal is to transform the mind and body. The name ‘yoga nidra’ derives from two Sanskrit words: ‘yoga,’ which means union, and ‘nidra,’ which means sleep. In other words Yoga nidra can take you to state between sleep and samadhi.
This method also helps in subtly releasing the emotional blocks, traumas ,Insomnia and of course takes away much of the stress accumulated inside. - Kundalini Awakening Meditation: A method of gathering and uplifting your energies.
- Chakra Breathing and Breathwork : A shaking and vibration meditation to release the fears, traumas, emotional holdings, psychological patterns, characteristic holdings to feel lighter, easier and flowing.
- Chakra Journey & Chakra Healing Meditation: Working on all the chakras to heal and allow the energy passage to be free.
- Chakra Healing and activation sound healing sessions are part of your emotional healing journey with us.
Philosophical Outlook
Energy in the original stateless form is the driving force of this Universe. In Indian Vedic concepts there are three forms (Tri Gunas-Qualities) of Energies. The Energy of Creation (Brahma/Satva), the energy of Sustaining (Vishnu/Rajas) and the Energy of Transformation (Shiva/Tamas). In this course you will get to understand these forms of Energies and learn various kinds of Powerful, Life Transforming meditations that will not only take you towards yourself but also shift and uplift your conscious level from the current chained state that holds you down and does not allow your wings to spread far and wide.
The course is progressive. That means first you learn the basic steps and then progress to higher forms of the techniques. This allows you to climb the steps of conscious development and gather the illumination within yourself that is ready then to enlighten others. Basically, you learn not only to light your own candle but also to inflame other candles by your own flame.
When awareness is separate and distinct from mental activity,
when waking, dream and deep sleep pass like clouds,
yet awareness of Self remains,
this is the experience of total relaxation…
That is why, in tantra, yoga nidra is said to be the doorway to Samadhi.”
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati –
“In yoga nidra we experience a state of harmony between body, brain, and mind. Then the unconscious barriers and blockages within the personality, which exist due to our negativity, are removed and the healing power of the mind begins to manifest.”
– Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati-
Eligibility To Participate Emotional Healing Retreat
- You don’t need to have any university/college qualifications.
- Since our main communication medium is English, it will be helpful if you have some command of English. Our students generally come from different countries and speak various languages, but English is the teaching language. However, even very basic English is enough to understand the practice sessions. Our instructors will assist as much as possible for you to comprehend the material.
- This retreat at Oceanic Yoga School is open for students aged 15 to 60. Aspirants must be in good physical condition.
- Students should approach the course and practice sessions with an open mind and leave their prior knowledge aside to enhance the learning process.
- Aspirants who discriminate based on religion, country, class, or caste will be denied admission to our institution.
- We are gender-neutral.
Emotional Healing Retreat Goa
Duration : 9 nights and 9 days (Arrival on previous night of the program)
Start Date | End Date | Location | Twin Shared Cottage | Private Cottage | |
14 Oct 2024 | 23 Oct 2024 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
05 Nov 2024 | 14 Nov 2024 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
28 Nov 2024 | 07 Dec 2024 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
23 Dec 2024 | 01 Jan 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
16 Jan 2025 | 25 Jan 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
10 Feb 2025 | 19 Feb 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
04 Mar 2025 | 13 Mar 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
27 Mar 2025 | 05 Apr 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
21 Apr 2025 | 30 Apr 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
13 May 2025 | 22 May 2025 | Goa | € 840 | € 995 | Apply Now |
Daily Schedule
Day 1
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Orientation. Information sharing. Introduction.
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Lunch. Rest
3:00 PM PM – 5:30 PM
Meditation or Therapeutic Practices
5:30 PM PM – 6:00 PM
Herbal Tea Break
6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Day 2-8
6:20 AM – 8:30 AM
Yoga and Meditation
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM
9:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Talks. lecture. Techniques and Practices
12:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Lunch. Rest
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Guided Dhyan Nidra/Silence Meditation
5:30 PM – 6:00PM
Tea Break
6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Day 9
6:20 AM – 8:30 AM
Yoga and Meditation
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Closing Ceremony
12:30 PM – 01:30 PM
01:30 PM – 04:00 PM
NOTE: The schedule mentioned above is a sample and can change on a batch-to-batch basis.
Sundays will be holidays and only breakfast will be served.
Please carry your toiletries , sun glasses, hat and personal necessities .Nice to have a pair of white cloths for ceremonies.
Any transaction charges and bank charges for payments will be charged additionally.
Card swipe machine is available in the campus.
*For male participants we offer ONLY single room accommodation option
Application: Complete the online application form using Apply Now option. If you don’t hear back from us within 24 hours, please send us an email at Please always check your spam if you don’t see our response within 24 hours. You can also contact us at our Whatsapp number +91-9368469447for status of your application.
Booking amount: Once accepted in the course you will be asked to pay a non-refundable but transferrable booking fee of €400. Your place on the course will be confirmed only upon receipt of the deposit amount. This fee will be adjusted in your total course fee.
Remaining Balance: On or before arrival at our ashram campus , Goa by cash, debit, credit card or online transfer.
All Package includes
- Airport Transfer from Goa Dabolim Airport or North Goa- Mopa Airport ( Charges 30 USD)
- Accommodation and 3 vegetarian food
- All Sundays will be holidays and only breakfast will be served on Sundays.
Why Choose Oceanic Yoga
One of the oldest Yoga School in Goa
Oceanic Yoga started its foundation in Goa in 2007, India. Many experienced Yoga practitioners and beautiful souls were drawn to the Ashram and joined Oceanic Yoga’s teaching team, and shared their knowledge with the best. More than 2500 students graduated through us.
Oceanic Yoga is a Registered Yoga School in Goa by Yoga Alliance, and our teachers are experienced and qualified to teach Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Yoga Retreats. Oceanic Yoga school helps students to learn, transform, and spread their love and light to the world.
Awareness, yoga, meditation, harmony, peace, and self-transformation are the qualities we uphold for the school and for our Yoga Teacher Training Students. The school professes that teaching yoga and meditation goes beyond just being a job or business, but rather a way of living. Teaching yoga is another way to instil one’s own yoga and meditation practice regularly. Yoga teacher training program is to deepen your learning and teaching abilities and developing yourself as a more rounded and grounded teacher and person. We can embrace the fact that we are both the student and teacher at the same time. To be a teacher is a great responsibility and necessity to our world that need great teacher more than ever. Millions of people are groping in the dark and suffering with psychological and emotional challenges, unaware of the opportunity that yoga and meditation practices bring to focus life perspectives towards the positive. Now, the world is going through critical time where intense vibrations seem to overwhelm our potential inner calm. Through the practice of yoga, we can become the eye in the storm and dedicate our attention, intention and focus to resonate with positivity within us and let it spread unconditionally to those that come to us to learn, take refuge or be inspired.
Experienced Yoga School
Oceanic Yoga School is an experienced yoga school providing professional yoga education since 2007 in the traditional systems of Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga. We have the best and ideal Yoga Ashram in North Goa for anyone who want to experience the beauty and luxury of nature along with Yoga, Mediation, Ayurvedic Massage, Swimming Pool with Ocean view and delicious and variety of vegetarian Indian dishes without the hotness of chilies. 🌶️
2500+ Yoga Teachers Certified
Over 2500 students got trained through us since 2007 and thus gained proficiency in designing impactful courses and how to deliver it to the aspirants in the perfect way and format. Many of our students are running yoga studios successfully in their own countries.
Ideal Location
Oceanic Yoga School in Goa is located on a small hillock overlooking Arabian Sea with a swimming pool having a feeling of infinite sky and ocean meeting each other. The cottages are with balconies and are air-conditioned whole property is surrounded by lots of trees and still just 10 minutes from the beach.
Authentic, Committed, and Sincere
Yoga Teachers and Meditators
We are a small group of people who are committed their life for self-growth and yoga and we believe that spreading yoga and meditation is one of the best things we can do in the world to participate in collective consciousness upliftment.
Our Core Values
Integrity, Authenticity and Commitment
Souls behind Oceanic richness of meditation, love care and sincerity to the work at hand. You will learn from teachers who are also student of life and have done intense yoga from early days of life at traditional Indian Vedic schools. As Yoga is a life style and not limited to the yoga mat. We have imbibed from traditions and expanded and applied to modern life situations with mystical guidance. As everyone is unique, the attentions in the classrooms given are suitable and aligned with the type of the body and mind one possesses. Our devotion to what we are doing makes and impact in every students experience and assist each one to move to your higher self during your time with us. We are passionately committed be rest assured that the highest professional standard in training and support is provided.
Our Yoga Ashram

Oceanic Yoga Ashram India Goa
A registered Yoga school (RYS) in India is an opportunity to learn about the ancient practice of Yoga and its many benefits. One of the most beautiful places to train to be a Yoga teacher in India is Goa. The state is famous for its bohemian vibe, reflected in the Oceanic Yoga Center, where a 200-hour Yoga TTC can be completed. Expert gurus guide students on their way through the instructive path. Most programs are conducted at our ashram which is surrounded by fascinating landscapes and natural beauty. It is an ideal location away from the city and stressful modern life.
The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Center is simply breathtaking.
The training for yoga teacher Goa is located in a beautiful location, just ten minutes away from Morjim beach.
It is also home to a variety of birds. So the best yoga teacher training India is the perfect place for you to practice Yoga and live a healthy lifestyle.
Oceanic Yoga Center is rated as one of the best places for Yoga Teachers Training and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you get all the amenities you need to train to become a Yoga teacher. With eco-friendly rooms and healthy vegetarian food, this is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India. The food is vegetarian or vegan (on demand).
Our Assurance
For over 16 years, our Meditation Teacher Training in India has stood the test of time, gaining recognition and trust from countless students. We take pride in assuring you that this course will equip you with accurate and comprehensive knowledge of yoga, delve into the profound teachings of yogic philosophy, enhance your teaching skills, and provide ample practical training to empower you with the confidence to guide others on their yoga journey effortlessly.
Read What Our Students Are Saying
Most frequent questions and answers
Your Program includes your course fees, your accommodation charges, charges for 3-time meals.
We encourage you and your colleagues to focus on themselves during this intensive course you are participating and hence we strongly discourage any pets in the campus.
All our rooms in Goa ashram, both single and double rooms are air-conditioned and have an attached bathroom. All the bathrooms are connected to solar heated water connection. You are expected to bring all your toiletries, personal care, and towels by yourself. Even though we provide towels we recommend you also have it handy with you.
Ashram provides common washing machine access free of cost. You are expected to wash your laundry by yourself. Washing machines are for all ashrmites and one must be attentive and careful in handling them.
Yes, we have 3 free wifi points spread around the ashram campus.
We are strictly vegetarian and will not allow any non-vegetarian food inside the campus.
Strict NO for alcohol or any kind of smoking inside the campus. One may be asked to leave the course if found doing so.
Goa have two airports, Goa Dabolim International Airport(Old Airport – Approximately 2 hour drive from the ashram) and MOPA international airport (North Goa airport -New airport Approximately 1 hour drive from the ashram ). Once your course is booked and confirmed please contact us and we will assist you with taxis.
This course is taught in basic English because the students come from all over the world. If you can read an English magazine, you will be able to follow the course.
Everyone has some challenges, it is normal. Our teachers will teach you how to work with different challenges. It is also important to understand that discipline in daily practice is more important than achieving a perfectly flexible body and doing complicated asana postures.
Our 100 hour and 200-hour programs are designed for beginners who are willing to put their efforts to learn and go beyond their expectations about themselves.
There are no age limits as long as your body and mind is willing for the challenge ahead.
It is not mandatory that you need to read many books on yoga before you arrive. You will be provided with enough information hand outs once you are here. However, we have provided many valuable information in our knowledge centre. Please visit and read.
We will be providing yoga mats and props for use. However, if one feels like doing yoga in once own mat, please carry them with you.
Yes, you will be awarded with a certificate post successful completion of this course. You must clear the exams designed for the same. However, one who is following the discipline and guidelines of the school will clear the exam. Requirement of attendance in each class is 100%. So far 99% of our students could clear the exam.
Yes, we do conduct meditations almost all days of the course. You will get exposure to many different meditations so that you can practice them on your own back home.
To register as an RYT 200, please go to the Yoga Alliance website and follow the registration process and pay their membership fees. During the process, you will be asked to upload a copy of your certificate issued by us. Once you have completed the application, we will receive a notification to check and verify your application. Once we verify, you will be registered.
This is a simple process.