Are you thinking to go for a yoga class, finally? But then comes the real problem, are you able to differentiate between Bikram and Hatha? hot yoga and ANUSARA? Don’t worry you can read this article and find out about the different Yoga Types for Beginners we have nowadays.
First, let’s begin with ANUSARA and go through 8 more Yoga Types for Beginners.
ANUSARA is a yoga form developed by the American yogi called John Friend in the year 1997. It is a newly developed form of yoga on the belief that was all filled with natural goodness. This type of yoga uses the physical yoga practice and helps students experience grace, shine through their inner goodness and open their hearts.
ASHTANGA is based on the ancient teachings of yoga. It was made popular and was brought to the West by K. Pattabhi in the 1970s. it contains 6 poses you will be flowing and breathing through each and every pose to build up internal heat. ASHTANGA yoga teacher training in India is a bit similar to vinyasa yoga. It has a series of asanas [poses] each one is only held for five breaths and is punctuated by a half-sun salutation [half Surya namaskar] to keep up the pace.
This is an awesome yoga form linking the movement of your body with the breath in a way of dance. In this class, the teachers will be playing music matching the beat and sequences of the poses. The teachers will be leading through the poses continuously without stopping a bit. In this way, the learners will get a good workout as well as an experience in yoga. Some of the studios call vinyasa yoga as flow yoga, flow-style yoga, dynamic yoga, its real name vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa is a Sanskrit phrase its translation into English is “to place in a special way”.
Also Check Out: Yoga Asanas to Improve Memory
IYENGAR yoga and ASTANGA yoga have been developed in the same lineage. The names of the persons who developed these styles are BKS. Iyengar and Pattabhi. Tirumala Krishnamacharya taught both of them. Most of the asanas [poses] are the same in IYENGAR and ASTANGA but their beginning is different. If you are trying to the subtitles of correct alignments then IYENGAR yoga is one for you. IYENGAR yoga can be practiced at any age and is good for those with injuries. There is not much jumping in the IYENGAR yoga so it will not raise your heartbeat. But you will be amazed when you see how challenging it is both physically and mentally.
Hatha yoga is a generic word with the meaning of “any type of yoga teaches physical postures”. This yoga is the most taught yoga in the West. Mostly you will not sweat when you’re leaving the class but be relaxed, feel longer and looser and hatha yoga is a very gentle yoga class. It’s all about how perfect you are in your basics in this slower-moving class. It would be best if you held each pose for a few breaths. Hatha yoga is a gentle physical practice. It is best for beginners because of its slower-moving poses. Hatha is the best class for those who are starting to learn yoga. The ASTANGA, IYENGAR, POWER YOGA are all hatha yoga. The word Hatha can be translated in many ways full, forceful, a yoga of activity, sun[ha] and moon [tha].

In the 1970s a person named Bikram Choudhury an Indian yogi developed the school of yoga where classes were taken in rooms artificially heated to 105 degrees and 40 per cent humidity. Every Bikram studio practices the same poses for 90 minutes. If you go to a Bikram class you will sweat as you have never before as you work through 26 different poses which will make your body full of sweat. These poses also stretch and strengthen your muscles and compress and rinse the organs of your body. just like the ashtanga a Bikram class follows the same sequence asanas or poses. But only the sequence of Bikram is different from the one of Ashtanga. Bikram class can be the favourite of one who likes to sweat.
Restorative yoga is one of the Yoga Types for Beginners effective way to relax and soothe frayed nerves and heals the brain and body with simple poses for 20 minutes. This yoga is very similar to yin yoga. Blocks, blankets, bolsters and other props are used in these classes to allow students to go into their passive poses so that their body can feel the benefits of the particular pose without any effort. Most of the studios and gyms offer restorative classes every Friday night. Restorative yoga is more recharging than a nap.

The yoga which awakes energy in your spine is kundalini yoga. This yoga includes meditation, breathing techniques which contain alternate nostril breathing, chanting, as well as yoga poses. These postures are done with intense breathwork. These physically and mentally challenging practices look a bit different from your typical yoga classes. It is good for the one searching for spiritual practice and wanting something more than a workout. They can enjoy kundalini yoga because it even concentrates on inspirational energy, breathwork, and meditation. The goal of this yoga is to release the untapped energy, bringing you a higher level of self-awareness, to breaking through the internal barriers.
Yin yoga is one of the Yoga Types for Beginners which came from the Taoist tradition. It focuses on seated postures and targets the connective tissues in the hip, pelvis and lower spine. These poses are done from between 1 to 10 minutes. Yin yoga aims to increase flexibility and also encourage the feeling of release. This yoga is an awesome way to learn the basics of meditation and still mind. It is good for the one who is willing to relax. This yoga is not recommended for super flexible people and even for people who have a connective tissue disorder.
These are the nine types of yoga for beginners. Try these nine different Yoga Types for Beginners
and get super fit and healthy.