Secrets of Becoming a Successful Yoga Teacher

yoga teacher training goa

A yoga teacher has much more to him than just knowing the poses and the right techniques. While many institutes offer yoga teacher training in Goa, only a few of them will tell you the ways of becoming a famous yoga teacher.

Here are some secrets that’ll help you become a successful yoga teacher.

1. Always stay a student:-
The time when we start believing that we know everything, we tend to stop learning new things in our life. The same is valid for yoga also. You should always keep yourselves open to learning new techniques and poses for yoga. This also includes reading a lot, taking classes and going for training and workshops. This way you’ll grow more and contribute towards the better training of the students. Feeling like a student will also make you more humble and compassionate, and it is for sure an essential quality of any teacher.

2. Know your students:-
By knowing your students, we don’t just mean that you should know their names. It also involves the knowledge of their body language and other activities. It is a kind of hidden investment that you are making in your training as a yoga teacher. Also, if you notice little things about your students, you’ll be able to know them in a better way. You should also involve yourself in conversations with your students outside the class.

3. The tone of your voice needs to be compelling enough:-
It is a well-known fact that students never pay attention to a teacher who speaks in a monotone and is expressionless in the class. The tone of your voice has a significant impact on the students. Every sound emphasizes different emotions and expressions. Your way of delivering levels also indicates how energetic you are.

4. Be creative in your classes:-
Being creative in the ways you are providing yoga classes can take you a long way in becoming a successful yoga teacher. Remember, it’s a yoga class, and just commands won’t help. You need to be creative in the way you are making your students follow your commands. Moreover, your words shouldn’t sound like commands.

5. Understand your purpose as a yoga teacher:-
Knowing and understanding your goal as a yoga teacher will help you in dealing with your students better. It will give you a bright idea of how you want to teach your students and what all you can do in case of any mishap.

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